* Greater Carroll Discount Cards - flier
* Hampstead Lioness Raiseright Program - Use this program weekly at stores where you are already
shopping and support the Lioness Club of Hampstead as well. Order online at and use code I5GCB1RVNIIP to open a free account and order gift cards.
Plan your weekly or monthly expenses, gifts, or shopping needs. It will help the Lioness Club of
Hampstead Scholarship Fund (a percentage of each purchase is donated to the Lioness Club).
* If you love to start the day with a cup of great coffee or artisan tea, life just got better. Giving Bean Coffee
and Tea purchases now support Westminster Lions Club ...with every sip! Just order from the web site and
treat yourself to artfully crafted coffee and tea (and delicious cookies) shipped right to your home or office.
Please visit them here and enjoy! - flyer
* Thurmont Lions are selling handmade candy - flyer
* Hancock Lioness Lions Club with their fundraiser offering premium nuts and snack mixes from Terri Lynn.
Free shipping anywhere in the U.S. if your order is $30 or more. Shop now by going to
* Fresh Georgia Pecans have arrived. Get yours now from the Middletown Lions Club. Contact Lion Dale
Drum for delivery, call or text 240-409-8637 or email - flyer
* FSK Lions Club Fundraiser - Cedar Ridge Soaps. Click to order now. - flyer
* Westminster Lions Club has partnered with GIVING BEAN, an online coffee and tea company, such that
20% of sales are donated to our club. Just follow this link to view the website and make a purchase: Lion Kathy Giroux says the coffee AND the
cookies are delicious! This will run until June 30, 2025 and restart again in July.
* Westminster Lions Club has partnered with FUN PASTA, an online pasta company offering all sorts of fun
shaped pasta. The company will donate 35 to 40% of each order placed to our club. Follow this link to view
the website and make a purchase: Lion Kathy Giroux
says the pasta and tomato sauce are deicious and the recipe for Turkey Noodle Soup and Winter Chili are
wonderful! This will run until June 30, 2025 and restart again in July.
* Westminster Lions Club has partnered with See's Candies to sell candy for Valentine's Day. This will only
run until January 31. If successful we will restart in February (maybe for Easter?). Follow this link to view
the website and make a purchase:
January 31
LAST DAY TO ORDER! Westminster Lions Club has partnered with See's Candies to sell candy for
Valentine's Day. This will only run until January 31. If successful we will restart in February (maybe for
Easter?). Follow this link to view the website and make a purchase:
February 1
* Westminster Lions will be at Roar Like a Lion, Westminster Library - flyer
* Westminster Lions will be starting a new Fundraiser! We have partnered with Poppin Popcorn to sell
their popcorn. This fundraiser WILL NOT START until February 1, 2025. It will then run until June 30. If
successful we will offer it again in July.
February 3
VRF Fundraiser at Maryand Mallet - flyer
February 6
The South Carroll Lioness Club is having a Lasagna Dinner - flyer
February 24
Westminster Lions Fundraiser at Bullock's Restaurant - 10% of sales to go to Leader Dog - flyer
March 1
Roaring Run Lions Basket Bingo - flyer
March 14
Dinner in the Dark by Glade Valley Lions Club and Walkersville HS Leo Club - flyer
March 22
Westminster Lions All Money Bingo - flyer
April 26
Westminster Lions Shred Event
May 16
Union Bridge Lions Polish Pottery Bingo
June 12
Westminster Lions Steak Feed
June 30 -
* LAST DAY TO ORDER! Westminster Lions Club has partnered with GIVING BEAN, an online coffee and tea
company, such that 20% of sales are donated to our club. Just follow this link to view the website and make
a purchase: Lion Kathy Giroux says the coffee
AND the cookies are delicious! This will run until June 30, 2025 and restart again in July.
* LAST DAY TO ORDER! Westminster Lions Club has partnered with FUN PASTA, an online pasta company
offering all sorts of fun shaped pasta. The company will donate 35 to 40% of each order placed to our club.
Follow this link to view the website and make a purchase: Lion Kathy Giroux
says the pasta and tomato sauce are deicious and the recipe for Turkey Noodle Soup and Winter Chili are
wonderful! This will run until June 30, 2025 and restart again in July.
October 3
Union Bridge Lions Polish Pottery Bingo
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